Many state, national, and international first responder associations are focusing on mental wellness and resilience efforts to support first responders excel in their careers. Find unique resources offered within these professional networks to help you, your agency, and your family thrive.
International & National
First REsponder Association Networks

INternational Association of Chiefs of Police
IACP, as the world’s largest and most influential professional association for police leaders, is committed to advancing the safety of communities worldwide.

INternational Association of Fire Chiefs

INternational Association of Fire Fighters

National Fraternal Order of Police
The Division of Wellness Services of the National Fraternal Order of Police is committed to leading efforts to ensure the well-being of law enforcement officers through a PRE-ACT approach.
Illinois First Responder Networks and Associations

Illinois Sheriffs’ Association
An organization of peace officers, with the highest priority to protect lives, property, and to make communities safer places to live, work, and raise children.

Illinois Association of CHiefs of Police
ILACP is Illinois’ voice of professional law enforcement. Established in 1941, ILACP represents more than 1,400 law enforcement leaders throughout the State.

Illinois Fire Chiefs Association

Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal
The Office of the Illinois State Fire Marshal is dedicated to working with partners and providing assistance to the fire service in the protection of life, property, and environment.

Illinois Fire Service Institute
The Illinois Fire Service Institute has sought to change the fire service culture relative to mental health and resiliency by adding resiliency training.
Disclaimer: Resources and providers listed in the Frontline Resource network have been suggested by first responders and affiliates who have had successful experiences. The 100 Club of Illinois does due diligence to screen recommendations but inclusion of organizations, providers, and resources does not imply endorsement. Please take time to conduct your own review and search for the best fit resource for your needs. If you have any suggestions for resource additions or have feedback on listed resources, please let us know by sharing your feedback here.