
Seeking support from a professional counselor may be the most rewarding experience and choice you can make. The stress and traumas first responders face are unmatched to the general public, so finding someone outside of your every day experience that you can talk to is a great way to help diffuse that stress. Finding a good match with a clinician can also be very confusing. Use these tips and resources to help make that a smooth process. And when in doubt or if you hit roadblocks, reach out for help navigating the search.

Looking for Immediate Assistance?

Utilize a 24/7 hotline to be connected with a trained peer support member or mental health counselor for immediate needs.

SErve & protect


First responder and family crisis hotline run by active duty and retired peer advocates.

Safe Call Now


Crisis referral service for all public safety employees, emergency services personnel, and their families.



A law enforcement hotline for officers and their families answered by vetted and trained active duty and retired officers who provide support with everything from a bad day to a significant mental health crisis.

International Association of Firefighters


A firefighter and family crisis and support line for IAFF members to speak with trained mental health counselors.


Here to help you find a clinician local to your area! Use this directory to search providers vetted by a committee of first responders. Not finding a provider in your area? Let us know and we can help connect you to resources in your area.

Are you a clinician with experience serving first responders? Please complete the First Responder Mental Health Provider form for review.

First Responder Clincial Practices

Listed you will find first responder based practices who have multiple providers equipped to serve the first responder population. These practices have been partners with the 100 Club of Illinois and/or come recommended from first responder agencies. Clinic contact and service information can be found through the links below. We encourage you to ask questions of the clinics and prospective providers that you may choose to work with in order to find the best provider for you. Feel free to use the tips and tricks guide below to initiate that conversation. As always, you are welcome to contact the 100 Club of Illinois to assist directing you to a provider that may match your needs.


Oswego & Lisle




Chicago, Lincolnshire, & Lombard

KM Institute

Aurora & West Dundee


Buffalo Grove, Gurnee, & Libertyville

Finding a Mental health Professional

Mental health providers can be great resources for so many different reasons including but not limited to trauma, stressors, fatigue, burnout, anxiety, depression, family matters, relationship support, and so much more. Navigating everyday life and seeking preventative or maintenance care is another great reason to seek counseling services. Working out, eating healthy, and seeing a medical doctor are all examples of ways you may maintain physical health. Why would you not seek support for your own mental health too? Here’s how:

Are you a mental health provider?

Identifying strong, competent, and culturally experienced providers is critical for the success of first responders’ mental health support. We take very seriously the education, knowledge, experience, and intent providers have when working with this population. To learn more about and be most effective in this specific line of work, consider these resources for mental health providers serving first responders.

To submit your information as a first responder serving mental health provider, please complete the First Responder Mental Health Provider form.


Certified First Responder Counselor

The Certified First Responder Counselor (CFRC) Program was developed to give mental health clinicians and other individuals the tools needed to effectively reach and support first responders with cultural competence, expertise, conficence, and empathy. There are three program options available including the Certified First Responder Counselor, Associate, and Supporter. Programs are online, self-paced trainings with a certificate exam required at the end. All tracks include specialized training to help students understand the unique needs of public safety professionals.

Frontline Wellness Trainings

Attend 100 Club of Illinois Frontline Wellness Trainings for continued education and knowledge about the first responder culture, wellness needs, and critical incident dynamics first responders face. Trainings include statewide in-person seminars as well as recorded training opportunities.

Frontline Continuing Education

Explore an ever growing list of articles, books, podcasts, and video trainings available at your convenience to increase your knowledge and cultural competence surrounding the first responder community.

Disclaimer: Resources and providers listed in the Frontline Resource network have been suggested by first responders and affiliates who have had successful experiences. The 100 Club of Illinois does due diligence to screen recommendations but inclusion of organizations, providers, and resources does not imply endorsement. Please take time to conduct your own review and search for the best fit resource for your needs. If you have any suggestions for resource additions or have feedback on listed resources, please let us know by sharing your feedback here.  

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