Helping First Responders Be Better Prepared For The Challenges They Face Every Day

With our training archive, first responders can access previous webinars and other training materials. They can review the information at their own pace and make sure they’re up to date on the latest best practices.

Training Archives

HOW TO COPE: The teens guide to coping with the stresses of being in a law enforcement family

with Serena, Girl Scout Ambassador and First Responder Daughter

Learn from Serena who talks about the stresses of being a teen with law enforcement family members. She shares about ways to build communication with the family member as well as healthy ways to cope with the stress that comes with this. This recording includes access to a free workbook that she made.

Watch Serena’s Training here.

Access Workbook here.


with Tammy Roach

In this recorded webinar, Tammy speaks about spiritual health and well-being as it relates to overall Officer Survival. Her premise is that Officer Survival involves more than just street survival, defensive tactics, and weapons training. It also involves emotional health, physical health, relationship health, and spiritual health. She discusses the spiritual aspect of officer wellness: what it is, how it impacts your life and family, and some practices to enhance your well-being.

Watch Tammy’s training here.

Access Workbook here.


Stressors Impacting our First Responding Communities

with Molly Jones, L.S.W.

Join us in a discussion with Molly Jones, Clinical Education Coordinator with Advanced Recovery Systems and the Center for Excellence, to discuss current stressors of first responder careers, ways to manage said stressors, and resources available to help all first responders thrive.

Watch Molly’s training here.

Breaking the Barriers: changing the way we support the physical and mental health of police officers

 with Dr. Ronald A. Rufo EdD, FAIS

Unacceptably high rates of stress, anxiety, sleeplessness, and divorce have plagued the law enforcement profession for decades. Ask most police officers, firefighters, paramedics, prison guards, and anyone associated with police wellness, and they will tell you “everything is fine.” Yet the rate of police suicide continues to climb because of the profession’s stigma against seeking help. Officers embrace their responsibility “to preserve and protect” by taking care of others … but who is taking care of them?
Hear from Dr. Ron Rufo, author, speaker, and a highly decorated, 22-year veteran of the Chicago Police Department, explain why emotional wellness is as essential as officers’ tactical training. Topics shared from his session and book Breaking the Barrier, offer strategies to achieve and maintain emotional, physical, psychological, and spiritual wellness throughout an officer’s career.

Watch Ron’s training here.

How to Weave in Self-Care, Wellness, and Faith into Your Busy Lifestyle

with Rebecca Lynn, M.Ed.

Having a career as a first responder not only impacts the first responder but also the spouse. As a result, the impact of the job can cause more stress on the family unit and make it hard to find time for self-care, wellness, and time to focus on your faith. In this webinar, we will discuss common challenges that first responders and their spouses experience when it comes to self-care and wellness. After discussing some of these common challenges, you will be offered some solutions which will help you increase self-care/wellness in your already busy lives.

Watch Rebecca’s training here.

Supporting Critical Incident Stress in our Responders

with Kammie Juzwin, PsyD

This presentation will focus on important information related to critical incident stress experienced by our first responders, and the impact that it may have on them.  It provides education on what Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) involves and the indicators of critical incident stress, and the support available to help responders and their families.

Watch Kammie’s training here.

The Strength and Resilience of First Responder Families

with panelists Clark Beckley, Mariah Donaldson, and Carla Marquez Ripley

The strengths of First Responder Families will be highlighted during this Q&A panel. Unique perspectives of the panelists include a former first responder, a surviving adult child of an officer killed in the line of duty, and a daughter of a retired suburban police officer, all of whom are now mental health therapists. Panelists are open to answering any questions that may be submitted ahead of time and during the presentation.  Panelists will share personal insights as to how to increase resiliency and strengthen relationships among first responders and their families. This webinar will benefit First Responders, Mental Health Clinicians, Family Members of First Responders, and Community Members interested in learning how to effectively support First Responders and their families.

Watch the Q&A Panel here.

Suicide Explained + Prevention, Intervention & Postvention

with Amy Morgan

This webinar will provide an in-depth explanation of how an individual may begin to contemplate suicide as an option, what it takes to follow through with suicidal thoughts, and how prevention and treatment can help someone with the elements that cause thoughts of suicide. We will also discuss the signs of someone who may be having thoughts of suicide or reaching the point where their thinking may turn in that direction, how to recognize someone who is in crisis, as well as how to conduct an intervention to help someone save their own life.  This is a difficult topic for some, and may trigger your own emotional responses if you have personal experience with suicide or if you have lost someone to suicide; however, the information provided is intended to help provide clarity and understanding, as well as enable attendees to help others in the future.

Watch Amy Morgan’s training here.

First to Respond, Last to Seek Help

with Dr. Stephen Odom

This behavioral health training will examine and help you to understand the causes, signs, and symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Injury. This course also covers how occupational trauma affects you and your family and what can be done to heal and prevent further damage. Our topics and objectives will include Understanding Culture, Climate & Stigma; Who we are: Myths, Legends & Today’s Realities; A Day in the Life: Burnout – Flameout – Shot-out; Little t traumas and Big T Traumas: The Crazy 188’s; How did my mind get injured: I didn’t feel a thing…; Secondary Trauma: How the job sticks to the family; Barriers and Pathways: Getting out of my own way; and Resiliency: Healing & preventing “stress plaque”.

Watch Stephen Odom’s training here.

Men and Women of Steel: How a Superhero Culture Created an Emotional Health Epidemic Among First Responders

with Clark Beckley, MSW, LCSW

First Responders commit suicide more frequently than the American public, yet are far more likely to suffer in silence, without seeking professional support. Historically, cultural norms and sociopolitical influences often craft formidable barriers to First Responders seeking timely clinical intervention and sustaining engagement in therapy. This presentation serves to identify, understand, and mitigate barriers while also identifying areas of transference and counter transference within the therapeutic relationship that jeopardizes rapport, motivation for support, and engagement.

Watch Clark Beckley’s training here.

Post Traumatic Growth

with Amy Morgan

Trauma can knock us down, and block us emotionally, but anything that knocks us down also gives us the opportunity to grow. This webinar will take a deep and serious look at the effects of trauma, and then will also help with the exploration of just how you can take trauma and use it as a starting place for life changes and new growth. Taking an informal look at the after-effects of trauma, with the knowledge of all the possibilities, will help you plan a new direction using the trauma as a learning experience and a catalyst for positive change.

Watch Amy Morgan’s training here.

Trauma and Resilience

with Dr. Tania Glenn

Trauma and Resilience is designed to educate on the types and effects of stress that confront professionals who serve in stressful occupations. This workshop employs hands-on, reality-based examples that are both useful and enlightening for first responders, as well as lessons learned from Tania’s experiences. Participants will be provided with the necessary tools to recognize and understand the signs and symptoms of stress, to recognize the types of incidents that will need follow-up care, and effective ways for managing stress.

Watch Dr. Tania Glenn’s training here.

Work-Life Balance for First Responders

with Dr. Donnie Hutchinson

Is shift work or late-night shift difficult on family life?  How about the second job or other work-related events?  This workshop will help you identify your priorities in life so you can properly adjust a few old habits. Participants learn how work-life balance is available to them and how they can take a few steps toward balance before the end of the presentation.

Watch Dr. Donnie Hutchinson’s training here.

Avoiding Burnout in a Challenging Work Environment

with Amy Morgan

First Responders are exposed to a wide variety of challenging environments, with challenging interactions being the norm rather than the exception. Careers dealing with emergency and disaster response are more likely to experience pressure and stress brought about by the very nature of the job. This training will emphasize the importance of maintaining several areas of health as we reflect on how we all show up to the world, and how our well-being impacts our relationships and performance on the job. It will help attendees to reflect on their self-care and wellness through self-assessment activities. We will define strength and health, and discuss what causes the progression of burnout and fatigue, with the goal of prevention.

Watch Amy Morgan’s training here.

Addressing PTI Before It Becomes PTSD

with Tom Howard

We all know that PTSD is an issue within the first responder community. I believe that while it is important to address the issue and help those that are struggling, I also think that we need to do a better job of recognizing and addressing the many precursing issues. Join me in a discussion about the many issues of Post Traumatic Injury and learn strategies how to address it before it becomes Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Watch Tom Howard’s training here.

Fitness & Nutrition for Resilient First Responders

with Aaron Zamzow

Building a resilient mind starts with building a resilient body. Aaron Zamzow will explain the correlation between physical and mental health. Attendees will learn: what the research shows on mental health and its relationship with fitness and nutrition; how to use proper nutrition to build a more resilient mind; what are the “best” steps to help build a resilient body and mind. Aaron has also included a 28-day workout program for all attendees that will help them apply the concepts of the seminar to improve their own level of resilience.  A question-and-answer session will follow the seminar for those that are interested.

Watch Aaron Zamzow’s training here.

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