Register for this wellness conference equipping first responders with education, tangible tools, and connections to implement stronger wellness messages and programs personally and in their agencies. The Frontline Convention agenda includes keynote speakers, breakout sessions, and networking opportunities with fellow first responders and a resource network of select providers. Topics to be covered include but are not limited to resilience development, wellness (physical, emotional, mental, financial, relational, and more), peer support, treatment, and department programming and culture.


Chris Fields is a former member of the Oklahoma City Fire Department. Chris joined the fire department July 12, 1985, was promoted through the ranks and retired as a Major on March 1, 2017, serving the citizens of Oklahoma City for 31 yrs and 7 months. Chris was captured in a photo that became an iconic symbol of the Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995 when he was cradling the body of 1yr old Baylee Almon. Chris is now dedicating his life and travels to speak to other first responders. He discusses the brutal realities of a life spent responding to citizens in their darkest hours, routinely placing others before himself and representing the greater good in all of us. Chris tells the story of his life, his 31 years of public service, and how that day in 1995 all combined to take a toll on his life and his family. He suffered in silence for many years.

Raul Rivas was sworn into the Orlando Police Department in 1992. He was first assigned to midnight patrol. Then he had stints on the bicycle squad and gang unit, before moving on to a multi-agency undercover drug task force named the Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation (MBI). Raul Rivas served 18 years with the SWAT team and served as an Assistant Team Leader. Raul was one of the SWAT team members involved during the “Pulse Night Club” shooting in Orlando, Florida. Raul received an Award of Valor for his actions and involvement in the Pulse Incident. Raul is retired from the Orlando Police department.

8:00 AM-9:00 AM Registration
Find us at the registration table in the main foyer and enjoy networking with our vendor tables.
9:00 AM-10:45 AM Welcome & Keynote Speaker
Honorguard and Welcome
Keynote Speaker, Raul Rivas
Keynote Title: Life After The Pulse Incident
Description: On June 12, 2016 at approximately 2:00am, club goers were dancing and enjoying the music at Pulse Night Club located in downtown Orlando. They had no idea, and never could have imagined what was about to take place. A lone shooter entered the club, armed with a semi-automatic rifle, and began firing into the dance floor. At the end 49 innocent civilians lost their lives.
Police arrived on the scene and began taking action to neutralize the shooter. The incident then changed, forcing the police to change tactics. No one could have seen what was coming next, the situation seemed to be unwinnable.
Raul will talk about the tactics used by patrol and SWAT. What worked and what didn’t. The little-known facts and truths about what really happened at PULSE NIGHT CLUB.
Raul will cover the mental health journey that he traveled before and after the incident and how the Pulse incident showed him that help was out there.
10:45 AM-11:15 AM Morning Keynote
Presenter: Olivia Johnson, The Fatal Factors of First Responder Suicide
Description: These fatal factors act as a risk assessment tool that identifies red flags and other problematic behaviors that may contribute to negative outcomes (e.g., excessive use of force issues,
complaints, failure to report for work, domestic violence, suicide, etc.) and will help predict/manage suicide risk factors, suicidal ideations, and attempts among first responder occupational groups on and off-duty.
11:30 AM-12:30 PM Workshop Sessions
Session Title: Cultural Competency in the Fire Service
Presenters: Dr. Kristy McKiness & Ryan Lettieri
Description: This presentation emphasizes the cultural differences between civilian and first responder culture. Some of the important cultural elements of understanding first responder culture will include shift work, transition to/from work, and family life. Importance of understanding how first responders are impacted by the job physically, emotionally, spiritually, and within their relationships will be covered in depth.
Session Title: First Responder Health, Wellness, and Fitness
Presenter: Steve Petrilli
Description: This workshop will provide fact-based information and debunk the numerous nutrition, health and wellness “fads” that exist. Steve will empower attendees with science-based information to make positive changes to their nutrition, fitness, and overall health. Attendees will leave this training session with the knowledge and resources to have better informed conversations with their personal physicians and ultimately become the best advocates for their own health optimization.
Session Title: First Responder Suicide and Accidental Overdose Deaths: A Snapshot of Substance Use and Abuse
Presenter: Olivia Johnson
Description: Substance abuse and addiction issues affect millions of Americans every year, and our first responder populations are not exempt. Deaths by suicide and accidental overdose bring this sad reality to the forefront. First responders tend to hide the hurt and pain which makes it challenging to know if and when they are struggling mentally. This session will review first responder cases related to substance use, accidental overdoses, and suicide.
Session Title: First Responder Mental Health Legislation
Presenter: Caitlyn Brennan
Hear from key first responder leaders involved with current and upcoming mental health legislation.
12:30-1:30 PM Lunch
Join us for lunch in the Marquis Tent and network with our vendor tables in the main hallways
1:30 PM-3:00 PM Convention Wellness Panel
In the main ballroom we will have several experts in the field of wellness provide a Q&A panel discussion.
3:15 PM-4:15 PM Workshop Sessions
Session Title: First Responder Health, Wellness, and Fitness
Presenter: Steve Petrilli
Description: This workshop will provide fact-based information and debunk the numerous nutrition, health and wellness “fads” that exist. Steve will empower attendees with science-based information to make positive changes to their nutrition, fitness, and overall health. Attendees will leave this training session with the knowledge and resources to have better informed conversations with their personal physicians and ultimately become the best advocates for their own health optimization.
Session Title: Spiritual Fortitude: A Key Dimension to First Responder Resilience
Presenter: Tammy Roach
Description: Have you found yourelf asking “why” after a traumatic incident or death event? Are you tired, frustrated, or perhaps angry by what you have experienced on the job? Understanding that spiritual fortitude is essential for 1st Responders who regularly face trauma, death, and moral injury throughout their careers, this is a down and dirty discussion about spirituality and how it relates to your career. In this course Tammy will describe the characteristics of spiritual fortitude, help you uncover your level of spiritual health, suggest practices to strengthen your spiritual foundation, and offer practical steps to help you live a more fulfilling and purposeful life.
Session Title: How Money Works
Presenter: Kim Poulos
Description: Kim will share during this workshop several ideas and strategies on budgeting, getting out of debt, insurance needs and investment strategies specifically geared towards first responders.
Session Title: Building and Strengthening Your Department Wellness Programs
Presenter: Danielle Brengel
Description: Visit with several department members in a small group round table discussion to learn about agency health and wellness programming strategies and implementation.
5:30 PM-6:15 PM Complementary Dinner
Join us in the Conference Dining Room for Mission BBQ!
6:30 PM-7:45 PM Evening Breakout Sessions
Therapy K9 Breakout Session
Peer Support Breakout Session
Provider Netowrking Breakout Session
8:30 AM-9:00 AM Registration
Find us at the registration table in the main foyer and enjoy networking with our vendor tables.
9:00 AM-10:45 AM Welcome & Keynote Speaker
Keynote Speaker, Chris Fields
Keynote Title: Out of Chaos Comes Order and the Opportunity to Grow
Description: Chris Fields is a former member of the Oklahoma City Fire Department, Chris joined the fire department July 12, 1985, retiring March 1, 2017 serving the citizens of Oklahoma City for 31yrs and 7 months. Chris was captured in a photo that became an iconic symbol of the Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995 when he was cradling the body of 1yr old Baylee Almon. Chris travels to speak to other first responders, he discusses the brutal realities of a life spent responding to citizens in their darkest hours. Chris tells the story of his life, his 31yrs of public service, and how that day in 1995 all combined to take a toll on his life and his family, he suffered in silence for many years. Now he shares how with God, Faith, and Family he took control and his journey out of the suffering in hopes of helping others avoid the failure, the pitfalls, and to reach out.
11:00 AM-12:00 PM Workshop Sessions
Session Title: Officer Wellness: Surviving and Thriving On and Off the Job
Presenter: Nick Greco
Description: We will identify and discuss the fallout of the 24/7 mindset of today’s police officer. As cumulative stress is a prominent feature in one’s law enforcement career, we will look at the prevalence, impact, and why this should be an area of concern for every police department. We will examine the stress factors, both professionally and personally, which put an officer at risk for PTSD and recognize compassion fatigue, burnout, vicarious trauma, and secondary trauma. We will look at ways that you can take control of your life and career and help others. Finally, we’ll identify and implement policies and procedures in your department to make a positive difference in the lives of your officers.
Session Title: Cultivating Wellness: Holistic Practices to Promote Mental Health & Wellbeing
Presenter: Cindy McKnight
Description: Learn from Cindy and invited guest speakers about various holistic modalities used to reduce stress and improve overall mental health and wellness!
Session Title: Sleep: The Untapped Superpwoer (and the Evil Forces that Fight Against It)
Presenter: Annette Zapp
Description: The typical firefighter grinds through their career, sleeping very little on duty and inadequately balancing sleep debt off duty. They are working toward a sleep deprivation badge of honor which doesn’t exist. Unfortunately, “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” can be an expedited self-fulfilling prophecy. Sleep deprivation is an independent risk factor for cancer, cardiometabolic disease, industrial accidents, motor vehicle crashes, and PTSD. This session will outline public servants’ mental and physical challenges due to acute and chronic sleep deprivation and detail steps to improve and accumulate restorative sleep. Sleep is the firefighter’s best health and wellness ally.
Session Title: Leadership Impact on the Mental Health Message
Presenter: JP Moore
Description: As a leader you have great influence over others. With this incredible gift of leadership, you must be aware of how your words and actions impact the message of mental health and resiliency with the first responders you are fortunate to lead. This presentation will guide you through a self assessment of your leadership’s impact on the mental health message in your organization.
12:00 PM-1:00 PM Lunch
Join us for lunch in the Marquis Tent and network with our vendor tables in the main hallways
1:00 PM-1:30 PM Closing Session
Presenter: 100 Club of Illinois
1:45 PM-2:45 PM Workshop Sessions
Session Title: Sometimes the Best Help has Four Paws and Fur. How do Thereapy K9s Help Within and Outside the Police Department?
Presenters: Meg Krase, Teresa Drewes, Angela Baiocchi, Rich Miller
Description: Three Illinois departments (Carpentersville, Northbrook, and Orland Park) will highlight how they started their Therapy K9 program, and how this benefits the department. Come meet the stars of the show, Chloe, Leo, and Walter and hear about the work they do inside and outside the Department.
Session Title: Spiritual Fortitude: A Key Dimension to First Responder Resilience
Presenter: Tammy Roach
Description: Have you found yourelf asking “why” after a traumatic incident or death event? Are you tired, frustrated, or perhaps angry by what you have experienced on the job? Understanding that spiritual fortitude is essential for 1st Responders who regularly face trauma, death, and moral injury throughout their careers, this is a down and dirty discussion about spirituality and how it relates to your career. In this course Tammy will describe the characteristics of spiritual fortitude, help you uncover your level of spiritual health, suggest practices to strengthen your spiritual foundation, and offer practical steps to help you live a more fulfilling and purposeful life.
Session Title: Critical Incident Response
Presenters: Danielle Brengel and Caitlyn Brennan
Description: Walk step by step through the immediate, interim, and long-term response for mental health considerations following a critical incident. Learn how to support individuals, an agency, and others involved through various statewide resources. Program will be led by 100 Club executives and first hand critical incident survivors.
Session Title: Introduction to First Responder Resiliency Development
Presenter: JP Moore
Description: The Illinois Fire Service Institute offers a 4-hour Resiliency Development for First Responder Course to local first responders. This presentation will cover a few key highlights of this essential training with the hope that students that engage in the training will then encourage the leaders of their organization to bring this no-cost training to their organization.
3:00 PM-4:00 PM Workshop Sessions
Session Title: Officer Wellness: Surviving and Thriving On and Off the Job
Presenter: Nick Greco
Description: We will identify and discuss the fallout of the 24/7 mindset of today’s police officer. As cumulative stress is a prominent feature in one’s law enforcement career, we will look at the prevalence, impact, and why this should be an area of concern for every police department. We will examine the stress factors, both professionally and personally, which put an officer at risk for PTSD and recognize compassion fatigue, burnout, vicarious trauma, and secondary trauma. We will look at ways that you can take control of your life and career and help others. Finally, we’ll identify and implement policies and procedures in your department to make a positive difference in the lives of your officers.
Session Title: Cultivating Wellness: Medical Practices to Promote Mental Health & Wellbeing
Presenters: Dr. Eugene Lipov, Erika Steinbrenner, and Relief Mental Health
Description: Join us for an innovative panel discussion as we share the most update scientific research on up and coming medical modalities to support mental health.
Session Title: Dynamics of a Strong First Responder Family
Presenters: Clark Beckley, Dan and Tammy Roach
Description: Perspectives from first responder families and professionals who work within dynamics providing insight on building and maintaining successful family strategies.
Session Title: Breaking the Barriers: Changing the Way we Support the Physical and Mental Health of First Responders
Presenter: Ron Rufo
Description: This workshop will examine what first responders deal with in their job, and what they can do to survive physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually throughout their career. Ron will cover trauma, PTSI, first responder suicide, and the stigma of mental health treatment.





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